listen: 21mai
listen: one and two
listen: fields
Welcome, my name is David Papapostolou, i am a musican and sound artist
My new self released CDr, "One and Two", is now available, see below for reviews and details
Reviews for my self-released CDr "One and Two"
Hey all, here are some reviews, at least the ones i am aware of. If you've read some more, please let me know.
" Despite his name sounding Greek, David Papapostolou is a French man living in Bristol. With 'One Two' he makes his debut into the world of music. He plays here acoustic guitar, cello and soprano saxophone - they marked on the each track as 'gc', 'gs' and 'g'. There is some sound leaking in from the outside and that may perhaps be qualified as field recordings. He doesn't play both instruments at once of course, but layers them in the computer, but they are responses to each other. This means we are dealing here with some highly improvised music, and Papapostolou does a great job. Carefully strumming and using his instruments as objects, using a bit of overtones through feedback in 'g', this is very much the product of silent playing and using the instrument as an object. This is a statement: I'm here, listen and invite me to play around with others. As such this is very good point of departure. " (Frans de Waard , Vital 555)
" This is improviser and sound artist David Papapostolou first cd releaser, offering up 3 tracks of improvised music utilizing acoustic guitar, Cello and Soprano Sax. All of the tracks seems heavy with world weary hazy, like watching figures move off across a iced white landscape.
May be it's he way he producing long hovering tones and feed back /noise hazes that give this barren cracked cold landscape. He then adds various instrument; sawings, scuttling and dry ice scrapings.Also he incorporates elements of hissing, breathing , loud silences and mummers of background sound, which builds depth and rich micro tones into the tracks. The album creates a feeling akin to watching birds and animals forging for food in winter licked lands. Or listening from with-in a forest to the slow echo of heavey trucks on a winters road.The three tracks last around the seven minutes a piece, which leaves the cd a little short, but never the less worthwhile.
A rewarding bit of mood setting improvised music, which you can hear samples of and buy direct from David here." (Roger Batty, musiquemachine)
" Despite his name sounding Greek, David Papapostolou is a French man living in Bristol. With 'One Two' he makes his debut into the world of music. He plays here acoustic guitar, cello and soprano saxophone - they marked on the each track as 'gc', 'gs' and 'g'. There is some sound leaking in from the outside and that may perhaps be qualified as field recordings. He doesn't play both instruments at once of course, but layers them in the computer, but they are responses to each other. This means we are dealing here with some highly improvised music, and Papapostolou does a great job. Carefully strumming and using his instruments as objects, using a bit of overtones through feedback in 'g', this is very much the product of silent playing and using the instrument as an object. This is a statement: I'm here, listen and invite me to play around with others. As such this is very good point of departure. " (Frans de Waard , Vital 555)
" This is improviser and sound artist David Papapostolou first cd releaser, offering up 3 tracks of improvised music utilizing acoustic guitar, Cello and Soprano Sax. All of the tracks seems heavy with world weary hazy, like watching figures move off across a iced white landscape.
May be it's he way he producing long hovering tones and feed back /noise hazes that give this barren cracked cold landscape. He then adds various instrument; sawings, scuttling and dry ice scrapings.Also he incorporates elements of hissing, breathing , loud silences and mummers of background sound, which builds depth and rich micro tones into the tracks. The album creates a feeling akin to watching birds and animals forging for food in winter licked lands. Or listening from with-in a forest to the slow echo of heavey trucks on a winters road.The three tracks last around the seven minutes a piece, which leaves the cd a little short, but never the less worthwhile.
A rewarding bit of mood setting improvised music, which you can hear samples of and buy direct from David here." (Roger Batty, musiquemachine)
** New release: One and two is now available ! **

Dear friends, here is my brand new self-released CDr. It is called "One and two", contains three parts recorded over the month of September this year.
I have been exploring some of the tonal and textural features of my instruments (prepared acoustic guitar, cello and soprano saxophone), in the context of improvisations (more on the process in the previous post). Sounds from the outside also sneaked in for the best (especially on the very field recording-esque third part, g), and helped me creating this original sound environment. Listen to an excerpt of the first part of the record, gc2.
**** One and two is now available to order from me (see prices below) ****
Please email me for payment and postage details.
Prices (including postage):
UK: £5
Europe: 7.5 Euros
Rest of the world: 9 USD
been such a long time...

no post for more than 2 years...I have been quite busy in the meantime though: a couple of shows in the winter 2004-05, one involving a field recoding based composition that ended up on the very limited edition of the CD-r version of the previously mentioned mp3 release (see prev post), the over one involving a guitar and live processing through the laptop. In the same time i had been working on a field recording based sound installation presented at the first and only "Intromission" night. This one should have had involved some soldering and many pairs of headphones, although this was without planning with my lack of abilities for this kind of things. I reckon it was better this way, a very sutle installation!
The very marking bit is that instruments progressively crept in and took over the computer in my practice. Spring 2005 saw me playing guitar and percussions with The Vitamin B12 (click here). Then the summer have been quite thoughfull, although productive. By the end of it i was a converted improviser on the guitar and started a duo project with Richard Herring (another ex-Brightonian, as we have both relocated to Bristol now) who plays soprano saxophone, alto clarinet, guitar and piano. In the same time i acquired a soprano saxophone too and a cello. All these instruments could be heard, with various degree of abstraction/detournement, on the "Onde" demo, of which a track should follow soon on this page.
In the begining of the year 2006 i started working on a new project. I had already been working on a similar one a year before or so, i was improvising one track with a guitar or a snare drum, than recording as a response a second improvisation while listening to the first one. Then the two (or sometimes three) takes would be mixed down together without any more editing than splicing out a slow start or a lousy ending. I was improvising with myself, the same person twice, in the same time two distinct persons, as no-one ever the same. This is how i started thinking of my first self released record, "one and two". Watch this space for more info and some sound!!
'Magnetic Fields Are Natural' now available on the Biv0uac netlabel
my first EP is downloadable from the New York based 'Biv0uac' netlabel (click here).
It contains the 4 tracks already available on this site as mp3 files, but in the more efficient Ogg Vorbis format, so they sound better !
It contains the 4 tracks already available on this site as mp3 files, but in the more efficient Ogg Vorbis format, so they sound better !
On ResonanceFM the 26th August
'this is your ei' and 'quelquechose' will be played during the 'down wiht the chairman' radio show on Resonance FM on thursday 26 August (1.15 pm).
The show is hosted by the sijis netlablel and is dedicated to freely available music (mostly
experimental electronic i guess) on the web.
If you can't listen the live stream then you can download it
later from the sijis web site :
Still these pieces as welle as others can be downloaded from this page : see 'this is the sound we do!'.
The show is hosted by the sijis netlablel and is dedicated to freely available music (mostly
experimental electronic i guess) on the web.
If you can't listen the live stream then you can download it
later from the sijis web site :
Still these pieces as welle as others can be downloaded from this page : see 'this is the sound we do!'.